Sunday, May 8, 2011


Thanks to Moms everywhere for their undying patience. Moms and kids alike should recognize at least parts of this video.

So get some rest ... tomorrow will be here before you know it!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Along the same theme as last post, and per a request from one of my readers, I am adding another song that has the same message ... YOU ARE PERFECT JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!
Remember, God makes no mistakes, and that includes you. Don't put yourself down, because you're putting down His perfect creation!

Monday, May 2, 2011


I've had teens come into my office near suicide-- unhappy with the way God made them. Bullies at school can be so detrimental to the way kids see themselves. I wish there was a way to stop all the bullying that goes on in schools. Many schools have taken steps to put a stop to it, by educating students and parents alike.
What I wish I could get across to teens everywhere is that God makes no mistakes ... He made you perfectly. Saw this on a recent episode of Glee. Hope this song gets that same message to kids and adults alike.