Saturday, October 13, 2012

October -- month for celebrations.....

October is a full month... breast cancer awareness month.... so get them checked, save the girls.

This past week was National Coming Out Day, when all come out and not be afraid to be themselves.

Easy if you fall within society's definition of "normal"

But seriously, it's not easy being yourself when you may lose some of the friends you have if they knew who "yourself" really was. Although if that's true, then maybe the ones you lose maybe aren't really your friends anyway.

And then there is PA Week...

And don't forget Christopher Columbus...after all, he sailed the ocean blue back in 1492, right?

Fire Prevention Week is from 7th check those fire detectors and furnaces, get your chimneys cleaned all ready for the cool weather.
Also that same week (7th-13th) is "National Carry A Tune Week". I didn't make that up. (I think I could more creative than that!)

And then there's Oktoberfest (I think that's the correct incorrect spelling) Depending on where you are, that can go from mid-September through mid-October, although most places in the US only celebrate for a few days at best (darn).
There are plenty of other days and weeks in October for celebrating this or remembering that (such as Reptile Awareness Day, National Mole Day [is that the animal or the growth you have removed at the clinic?], Internet Day, National Newspaper Week, No Salt Week, and of course the all important Getting The World To Beat A Path To Your Door Week ... next month must have Stay The Hell Away Week. But many pay attention to even the government recognized holidays?

Halloween finishes out October, and starts the fall madness of holiday shopping and before you know it, 2012 will be just a memory. So lets celebrate October!!!