Monday, December 19, 2011

Let's get ready for stick folks!!!

Got this in an email ... it's cute, and will give you something to do if you're bored.
So, check this website out and have fun ....

Friday, December 16, 2011

Two cheers for moms out there!!!

In the light of kids being taken away from parents and being put in foster care, which isn't much better in some instances ... There are times when moms feel kids try to take advantage of magnifying glass being put on parents these days. A good swat to the behind never harmed me. But I like this mom's solution even better .... (Moms, have your grins ready)
Don't Mess with Mom

My son came home from school one day,
with a smirk upon his face.
He'd decided he was smart enough,
to put me in my place.

"Guess what I learned in Civics Two,
that's taught by Mr. Wright?
It's all about the laws today,
The "Children's Bill of Rights."

It says I need not clean my room,
don't have to cut my hair.
No one can tell me what to think,
or speak, or what to wear.

I have freedom from religion,
and regardless what you say,
I don't have to bow my head,
and I sure don't have to pray.

I can wear earrings if I want,
and pierce my tongue & nose.
I can read & watch just what I like,
and get tattoos from head to toes.

And if you ever spank me,
I'll charge you with the crime.
I'll back up all my charges,
with the marks on my behind.

Don't you ever touch me,
my body's only for my use,
not for your hugs and kisses,
that's just more child abuse.

Don't preach about your morals,
like your mama did to you.
That's nothing more than mind control,
And it's illegal too!

Mom, I have these children's rights,
so you can't influence me,
or I'll call Children's Services Division,
better known as C.S.D. "

Of course my first instinct was
To toss him out the door
But the chance to teach a lesson
made me think a little more.

I mulled it over carefully,
I couldn't let this go.
A smile crept upon my face,
he's messing with a pro.

The next day I took him shopping
at the local Goodwill Store
I told him, "Pick out all you want,
there's shirts & pants galore.

I've called and checked with C.S.D.,
who said they didn't care
if I bought you K-Mart shoes
instead of those Nike Airs.

And I've canceled that appointment
to take your driver's test.
The C.S.D. is unconcerned
so I'll decide what's best."

I said "No time to stop and eat,
or pick up stuff to munch.
And tomorrow you can start to learn
to make your own sack lunch.

Just save that raging appetite,
and wait 'til dinner time.
We're having liver and onions,
a favorite dish of mine."

He asked "Can I please rent a movie,
To watch on my VCR?"
"Sorry, but I sold your TV,
for new tires on my car.

I also rented out your room,
you'll take the couch instead.
The C.S.D. requires
just a roof above your head.

Your clothing won't be trendy now,
and I'll choose what we eat.
That allowance that you used to get,
will buy me something neat.

I'm selling off your jet ski,
dirt-bike & roller blades.
Check out the "Parent's Bill of Rights,"
It's in effect today!

Hey hot shot, are you crying,
and why are you on your knees?
Are you asking God to help you out,
instead of C.S.D.?"

~Author Unknown~

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Who's there?
Hipaa who?

OK, that was meant for those in tune with medical terms -- either medical professionals, or those somehow involved (perhaps a recent patient)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The world says good-bye to Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

Memorable Quotes from Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.
Innovation comes from people meeting up in the hallways or calling each other at 10:30 at night with a new idea, or because they realized something that shoots holes in how we've been thinking about a problem.
The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.
You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.
When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "no" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Death is the destination we all share, no one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be because death is very likely the single best invention of life.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The ULTIMATE motivational speech ...

Love all the inspirational and motivational posters ... here's a few:

Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become.

Inspiration - It doesn't pay the electric bill.

As far as motivational speeches go -- this is the world's greatest.

And, then there's the posters like this one ...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Thank you to JR and to those that didn't make it home ...

JR Martinez taking part in Dancing With The Stars ... dancing his tribute to others that didn't make it back. He has endured so much defending our nation and our freedom...
A beautiful performance done with honor --

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Taylor Swift ... yeah, and Ellen :-)

What more can you say except here's Ellen with Taylor Swift ... hilarious!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How 'bout those Dawgs, saving the world again. Go Dawgs!!!

The sky's the limit - University of Washington at it again!

Plugged In

Online gamers crack AIDS enzyme puzzle

Online gamers have achieved a feat beyond the realm of Second Life or Dungeons and Dragons: they have deciphered the structure of an enzyme of an AIDS-like virus that had thwarted scientists for a decade.

Photo by AFP
The exploit is published on Sunday in the journal Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, where -- exceptionally in scientific publishing -- both gamers and researchers are honoured as co-authors.
Their target was a monomeric protease enzyme, a cutting agent in the complex molecular tailoring of retroviruses, a family that includes HIV.
Figuring out the structure of proteins is vital for understanding the causes of many diseases and developing drugs to block them.
But a microscope gives only a flat image of what to the outsider looks like a plate of one-dimensional scrunched-up spaghetti. Pharmacologists, though, need a 3-D picture that "unfolds" the molecule and rotates it in order to reveal potential targets for drugs.
This is where Foldit comes in.
Developed in 2008 by the University of Washington, it is a fun-for-purpose video game in which gamers, divided into competing groups, compete to unfold chains of amino acids -- the building blocks of proteins -- using a set of online tools.
To the astonishment of the scientists, the gamers produced an accurate model of the enzyme in just three weeks.
Cracking the enzyme "provides new insights for the design of antiretroviral drugs," says the study, referring to the lifeline medication against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
It is believed to be the first time that gamers have resolved a long-standing scientific problem.
"We wanted to see if human intuition could succeed where automated methods had failed," Firas Khatib of the university's biochemistry lab said in a press release. "The ingenuity of game players is a formidable force that, if properly directed, can be used to solve a wide range of scientific problems."
One of Foldit's creators, Seth Cooper, explained why gamers had succeeded where computers had failed.
"People have spatial reasoning skills, something computers are not yet good at," he said.
"Games provide a framework for bringing together the strengths of computers and humans. The results in this week's paper show that gaming, science and computation can be combined to make advances that were not possible before."

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

America's got talent ... these dummies prove it!

The world is full of dummies... To some of them - that's not an insult. This one loves to sing as well as some of Terry's other buddies. Terry Fator, one of the finest to ever emerge from "America's Got Talent" -- Here he is guest-starring last night...

Here he is from his own winning season of AGT...

And he is one of the reasons I could be convinced to go to Las Vegas ...

Terry Fator with Shawn from the audience performing Sonny & Cher's "I've Got You Babe"

And performing for MDA Telethon ...

Yes, America ... ventriloquism is alive and well.

Monday, August 29, 2011

God bless our troops and those that are taking care of them ...

The story is about Spc. Channing Moss, who was impaled by a live RPG during an ambush while on patrol. It gives meaning and substance to the term "Band of Brothers". Army protocol says that medivac choppers are never to carry anyone with a live round in him. Even knowing the risks, the flight crew flew him to the nearest aid station. There at the aid station protocol said that in such a case the patient is to be put in a sandbagged area, away from the surgical unit, given a shot of morphine and left to wait until others are treated or until the live round exploded -- whichever came first. Again, the medical team ignored the protocol.
For them, there was only one choice.

Here's a short video put together by the Military Times, which includes actual footage of the surgery where Dr. John Oh removed the live round with the help of volunteers and a member of the EOD (explosive ordinance disposal) team. Thanks to the brave men around him, Spc. Moss did survive that day and has since undergone six operations and is doing well at home in Gainesville, GA.

I think you'll find the video absolutely remarkable. (Warning ... some of the following footage is graphic)

                                                                                  Thanks to Military Times & to Suz

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dude, did you see that?


I can imagine the story this guy comes home with... really dude! This gnarly shark jumped right over me and my board when I was out there. He was trying for my head, dude, but I ducked down just in time. He was a man-eater! He was as long as my board. Really, you must have seen him, you were right next to me! How could you NOT have seen him ... Duuude!!!

Hopefully he saw the video on the net or TV .... See dude, yeah ... told you!!! Right over me!!! Well, they couldn't see what kind of shark he was from the shore, but they did see him jump me, dude!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Thanks to Moms everywhere for their undying patience. Moms and kids alike should recognize at least parts of this video.

So get some rest ... tomorrow will be here before you know it!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Along the same theme as last post, and per a request from one of my readers, I am adding another song that has the same message ... YOU ARE PERFECT JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!
Remember, God makes no mistakes, and that includes you. Don't put yourself down, because you're putting down His perfect creation!

Monday, May 2, 2011


I've had teens come into my office near suicide-- unhappy with the way God made them. Bullies at school can be so detrimental to the way kids see themselves. I wish there was a way to stop all the bullying that goes on in schools. Many schools have taken steps to put a stop to it, by educating students and parents alike.
What I wish I could get across to teens everywhere is that God makes no mistakes ... He made you perfectly. Saw this on a recent episode of Glee. Hope this song gets that same message to kids and adults alike.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Diabetes - save a leg, save a life

Excerpt from
Dr. Sanjay Gupta examines America's diabetes epidemic and how can we as a nation can fight this potentially deadly disease.
Each year in the U.S. diabetes results in the amputation of about 65,700 legs or feet. About 85% of those began with a diabetic foot ulcer. And for Dr. David Schwegman, the mission to educate people about the issue is personal.
His father, a diabetic, had a foot ulcer that resulted in the amputation of his left leg, which contributed to his death, his son said.
"He became a statistic," Schwegman said. "He was one of the 50% of people that died within five years after having an amputation."
Diabetic foot ulcers, or DFUs, are usually located on the ball of the foot, the bottom of the big toe or sides of the feet. They can be a result of neuropathy, or nerve damage which leads to a loss of feeling.
Although prevention is key, simply not treating an ulcer can lead to infection, particularly in the bone, and eventual loss of a limb.
"If you have a DFU that leads to a major amputation, your risk of death in five years is greater is higher than that of breast cancer and prostate cancer combined," Schwegman said.
Right now, 18.8 million adults and children in the U.S. have diabetes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 7 million people have undiagnosed diabetes and 79 million are prediabetic.
Diabetics need to know that treating the ulcer early is the best way to get it healed.
"If we're not treating them aggressively, the chances that they heal is actually very, very low," Schwegman said.
An important part of the evaluation of a person with a diabetic foot ulcer is a thorough vascular exam, since diabetics have a higher risk of having peripheral arterial disease. The condition results when circulation to the legs and feet is blocked or narrowed by calcifications. The poor blood flow can cause pain and discoloration in the feet- an increase in a red color, a dusky bluish color or sometimes the toes turn black and result in amputation.
Dr. Desmond Bell, a wound care specialist, recommends going straight to a podiatrist or wound care specialist if a cut, sore or wound does not heal in a week or two. Those with a history of diabetic foot ulcers should see a specialist immediately.
Bell said several newer treatments are available to treat these wounds. None are a "silver bullet" for every single wound.
Of the thousands of products available, only these three have evidence that they have increased wound hea ling rates:
-Advanced skin cell substitutes include Dermagraft and Apligraf. These are similar in that they are derived from neonatal foreskins.
-A growth factor gel, Regranex.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can also heal wounds and treat infections.
Most exciting, Bell said, is peripheral revascularization, in which cardiologists and others, go into the groin similar to an angioplasty for the heart. Through this new procedure, doctors can open up blockages in the leg and restore blood flow.
"It requires lots of doctors often times & it requires a motivated patient," Schwegman said. "By saving their leg, it really does save their life."                                                                    
          Georgiann Caruso - CNN Medical Associate Producer

Excerpt from
Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are chronic wounds that can develop on the foot or lower extremities of people with diabetes. Poor healing of DFUs may be due to several factors, including abnormal cellular/inflammatory pathways, peripheral neuropathy and vascular disease/tissue hypoxia.1 Among people with diabetes, approximately 15 to 25% experience a DFU in their lifetime 2,3 and approximately 2% develop a DFU each year.
If not properly treated, DFUs can result in serious complications, including amputation. In fact, of those patients who do develop a DFU, 14% to 24% will require an amputation.1 In the United States, approximately 60% of all nontraumatic lower extremity amputations occur among persons with diabetes; of these amputations, approximately 85% are preceded by a foot ulcer. Patients hospitalized with diabetes are 28 times more likely to have an amputation than patients without diabetes.
"Any wound that remains unhealed after 4 weeks is cause for concern, as it is associated with worse outcomes, including amputation."

Dermagraft has helped to heal the wounds of more than 50,000 patients with diabetic foot ulcers.
Dermagraft is manufactured from human fibroblast cells derived from newborn foreskin tissue. During the manufacturing process, the human fibroblasts are seeded onto a bioabsorbable polyglactin mesh scaffold. The fibroblasts proliferate to fill the interstices of this scaffold and secrete human dermal collagen, matrix proteins, growth factors, and cytokines to create a three-dimensional human dermal substitute containing metabolically active, living cells. Dermagraft provides a combination of living fibroblasts, matrix proteins, and bound factors that protect the wound and stimulate dynamic events that promote regeneration and repair.
The earlier you start treating a wound with Dermagraft, the better your patient's chances for a full recovery. Dermagraft is supplied frozen in a clear bag containing one piece of approximately 2” x 3” for a single-use application. One application of Dermagraft each week has been proven most effective. After Dermagraft is applied, it is important for patients to keep their weight off their foot as much as possible to give the wound a chance to heal.                                                          
         © 2010 Advanced Biohealing, Inc.

Why have I decided to go on and on about this subject?? Watching the healing that Dermagraft has brought to patients is why. These pictures represent healing that took place with the help of Dermagraft over just 9 weeks. Amazing, simply amazing. Get the word out ... Healing is key, the faster the better.   

Diabetes does not have to be a death sentence. Control is key. Control your blood sugars. Know your numbers. Less damage to your body, better healing happens when your blood sugar is better controlled. Strive for a goal Hemoglobin A1C of 6.5. Regular checkups. If you have family history of diabetes, but you have not been diagnosed - eat right, exercise, and get regular checkups. Just because you have been checked once and came up negative for diabetes doesn't mean you can ignore the risk. For those already diagnosed with diabetes, take care of your feet - watch for callouses or sores. If you have a callous, get it taken care of. Callouses may hide an underlying ulcer. After bathing, make sure you dry between your toes to prevent athletes foot which can turn into an ulcer. On the opposite end of the spectrum, don't let your feet get overly dry - use a good moisturizer to prevent cracks, especially on your heels. Don't go barefoot, wear supportive shoes, tight shoes. If you do end up with a sore or blister, get it taken care of immediately so it doesn't become worse and lead to a big ulcer or even amputation of your toe or foot. If this doesn't apply to you, but you know someone that it does, please pass on the information.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Don't let anyone push you around

The extraordinary scene was captured by photography student Casey Gutteridge at the Santago Rare Leopard Project in Hertfordshire.
The 19-year-old who was photographing the leopard for a course project, was astounded by the mouse's behavior.

He said "I have no idea where the mouse came from - he just appeared in the enclosure after the keeper had dropped in the meat for the leopard.

"He didn't take any notice of the leopard, just went straight over to the meat and started feeding himself.

"But the leopard was pretty surprised - she bent down and sniffed the mouse and flinched a bit like she was scared.

"In the meantime the mouse just carried on eating like nothing had happened....but even a gentle shove does not deter the little creature
from getting his fill...

"It was amazing, even the keeper who had thrown the meat into the enclosure was shocked - he said he'd never seen anything like it before."

Project owner Jackie James added "It was so funny to see - Sheena batted the mouse a couple of times to try to get it away from her food. But the determined little thing took no notice and just carried on." the mouse continued to eat the leopard's lunch and show the leopard who was the boss.

Just proves no one can push you around without your permission.
(Of course, if you plan on eating a leopard's lunch be prepared to become said leopard's lunch, as I'm sure that would be my luck!) Just sayin'....

Monday, April 4, 2011

Twins and their conversation ... baby geniuses??

This so brings to mind the movie Baby Geniuses. Do you think they're just chit-chatting about things like anyone else? Watch and enjoy this video, then tell me babies don't know what they're talking about even if it just sounds like babbling to us... Just wish they would share with us all the secrets of the world before they forget them as they grow up.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A 92 Yr Old Ginger Rogers

This lady was a headline dancer way back in the 1930s and1940s.
Wow!  I hope I can do this when I'm 92...oh wait, I can't do this now!
Remember, she is 92 and her partner is her great-grandson, 29.
Don't stop watching after the first minute -- that's just the teaser!

Just getting to the age of 92 is quite an accomplishment, but that's not enough for this senior citizen!    

I can just see her going out for a morning run, stretching first before she hits the jogging trails...
Go Granny!!!

(Thanks Suz for the email)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

More of the family ... just as promised

TarJ and her 10 pups

PD all grown up and his boy

Maxx as a pup

Maxx all grown up
LuckE AKA Ms Trillium

Introductions from top to bottom, left to right: TarJ (my baby); PD (TarJ's son); Maxx (TarJ's son); Ms Trillium (TarJ's daughter); CloE (TarJ's daughter); SadiE (TarJ's granddaughter)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Just the way you are

For any of you who know me, I have gone on and on about Bruno Mars song, and especially his official video. Love em both. Now for a change. I was going through YouTube trying to find the official video on my phone the other day and came across one that touched me even more deeply. Just had to share it. No more words needed ...

Special needs ... sometimes I think those of us who have no special needs are actually more handicapped when it comes to truly just experiencing life

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Friends of old ...

I have had friends throughout the years that have come and gone. Have kept track of a few, lost track of too many, have reconnected with some through the wonderful world of internet. The losses have saddened me but I guess it can't be helped. I guess if you can count two or three people true friends you maintain throughout your life, you can consider yourself fortunate indeed.

Now that I have started travelling for a living, I will meet somebody who will remind me of someone in my past and it will take me quite a while to figure out from which part of my life they may be from.
What is important are the roles people have played in my life. I am who I am today based on interactions with people throughout the years... the funny thing is, that those who have hurt me the most I am almost the most grateful for (notice I said "for" and not "to") for without the trials by fire I wouldn't be strong as I am today, nor would I be the person I have found myself to be. However, the ones I am most greatful to are the ones who were there for me in my darkest moments, saw the best in me, saved my life (literally in one instance), who love me as I am - flaws and all. And I am also most greatful for two young men who are obviously more to me than just friends, they're also my sons. They too have saved my life without even knowing it and I will forever be thankful to God for bringing them into my life, and hope they know how blessed my life is because they are in it.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bruno Mars -- Just The Way You Are

You have to watch this video. The song itself is sweet ... but the video, the video is amazing (just the way it is -- LOL!) This deserves kudos all around!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pitbulls ... Awesome dogs, straight from the heart

I have friends who have taken it upon themselves to help with pitbull rescue.There are so many pit pups brought into this world that end up unwanted. Unfortunately people fear the breed. They fear the myths and bad reputation surrounding the breed. They have gotten a bad rap thanks to those who have abused them, raising them to fight. Their origin is one of courage and loyalty.... owned by people in history such as President Theodore Roosevelt, President Woodrew Wilson, Gen. George Patton. It was one of these wonderful breed that was a loyal companion and helper to Helen Keller. The truth is, that with proper love and caring and in the proper home, they are the most loving and loyal dogs you could want.... say nothing about adorable. From the time they are puppies...till they have pups of their own. Meet some from our family.
        Dad(YD)                                                                                                   Mom (TarJ)

And adorable pup for example...Isn't he the cutest thing you've seen??? Meet PD, not the one from the Little Rascals, but from my family. He's grown up now, but still a sweetie. As are his siblings we've kept track of. Stay tuned, will try to see how many of the rest of the family I can get hold of and introduce you to.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Did I mention I like PBR bull riding???

Friday night opening show:

Oklahoma's own Austin Meier on Saturday night in the championship round:

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Enjoy Life Today & Be Healthy

Over the past few months, mortality has become a more of a reality to me. We all have lost friends, family members - all too young - to accident or illness. I used to keep a quarter jar for anyone that said the "o" word in my presence ... say "mature", "aging", "wiser" ... but don't say "old" please. So, I have been researching for ways to put off getting old. Ha, good luck right?  However, I did run across a few tips to stay healthier and happier while "maturing" (and have more fun along the way):

Drink red wine - red wine is packed with antioxidants that help protect your body against the effects of aging. One or two glasses of red wine a day can help keep your body young.
Eat dark chocolate - Dark chocolate contains a large amount of antioxidants that protect your body from aging, as well as lower your blood pressure and cholesterol while providing an energy boost.
Smile - Like relaxation, smiling can work to counteract the effects of stress. Like a switch, smiling can actually change your mood.
Have more sex - Sex and touching are thought to be essential parts of health. Sex releases an assortment of beneficial chemicals in the body. Frequent sex may even extend your life by years.
Relax - While stress brings harmful health effects, relaxation helps our bodies to rest, heal and function better. This will improve your blood pressure, heart rate, & ability to cope with life's challenges.
Make exercise play - Physical games & sports are a great way to keep both your body and mind healthy. Simple exercise routines are great for maintaining balance, flexibility, endurance and strength.
Spend time with loved ones - Strong bonds with other people mean you will have help when you need it, protects from loneliness, depression, and mental illness. Spend time with friends and family to improve your health and your life.
Solve puzzles and play brain games - Mind games are a great way to stay involved and engaged in the world. Games can exercise different parts of your mind and entice your curiosity.
Be positive - Having a positive attitude about aging can add more than seven years to your life. Find ways to to pleasure in your increasing age and enjoy greater learning, experience, and control in your life.
Sleep - Sleep is an essential body function. Medications, stress, illness and poor sleep habits all can prevent you from getting the amount you need. The health benefits of sleep include more energy, better immune function, and more.

Now, the one I noticed in the list I can do and do well - SLEEP ... even have found more on why sleep is so important for overall health, as well as helping age gracefully (because, you have to admit, aging beats the alternative!)
Sleep Keeps Your Heart Healthy - Lack of sleep has been associated with worsening of blood pressure and cholesterol, all risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Your heart will be healthier if you get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night.
Sleep May Prevent Cancer - Light exposure reduces the level of melatonin, a hormone that both makes us sleepy and is thought to protect against cancer. Melatonin appears to suppress the growth of tumors. Be sure that your bedroom is dark to help your body produce the melatonin it needs.
Sleep Reduces Stress - When your body is sleep deficient, it goes into a state of stress. The body's functions are put on high alert which causes an increase in blood pressure and a production of stress hormones. It is good to learn stress reduction techniques that can also help for sleep.
Sleep Reduces Inflammation - The increase in stress hormones raises the level of inflammation in your body, also creating more risk for heart-related conditions, as well as cancer and diabetes. Inflammation is thought to one of the causes of the deterioration of your body as you age.
Sleep Makes You More Alert  - Of course, a good night's sleep makes you feel energized and alert the next day. When you wake up feeling refreshed, use that energy to get out into the daylight, do active things, and be engaged in your world. You'll sleep better the next night and increase your daily energy level.
Sleep Bolsters Your Memory - A process called memory consolidation occurs during sleep. While your body may be resting, your brain is busy processing your day, making connections between events, sensory input, feelings and memories. Getting more quality sleep will help you remember and process things better.
Sleep May Help You Lose Weight - Researchers have also found that people who sleep less than seven hours per night are more likely to be overweight or obese. It is thought that the lack of sleep impacts the balance of hormones in the body that affect appetite. So if you are interested in controlling or losing weight, don't forget to pay attention to getting a good night's sleep.
Naps Make You Smarter - Napping during the day is not only an effective and refreshing alternative to caffeine, it can also protect your health and make you more productive. People who nap at work have much lower levels of stress. (So why does my boss have such an issue with me sleeping on the job????) Napping also improves memory, cognitive function and mood.
Sleep May Reduce Your Risk for Depression - Sleep impacts many of the chemicals in your body, including serotonin. People with a deficiency in serotonin are more likely to suffer from depression. You can help to prevent depression by making sure you are getting the right amount of sleep, between 7 and 9 hours each night.
Sleep Helps the Body Make Repairs - Sleep is a time for your body to repair damage caused by stress, ultraviolet rays and other harmful exposures. Your cells produce more protein while you are sleeping. These protein molecules form the building blocks for cells, allowing them to repair damage. 

So what can be learned from this? De-stress your life as much as possible. Smile, stay positive, get enough sleep, surround yourself with your loved ones. Wait for it --- Don't worry, be happy!

Thanks to and

In memory of Charles ... 
You are loved and will be greatly missed, dear friend 

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Am a Packer fan, who in their right mind isn't???? I'm sure you can probably tell by this blog entry, I Gotta Feeling Tonight's Gonna Be A Good Night full of celebrating for other fellow Packer fans......
I'm glad it was between two of the traditional teams of the NFL. At first I thought it was going to be a blow out, but then with injuries, and after halftime, the Steelers woke up and made it a true Super Bowl game.
The half-time show was worth staying by the TV for - I already knew it was a good night, but the entertainment just confirmed it.... and all without a wardrobe misfunction...go figure.

And for those die hard Packer fans who came from near and far - all around the country to see their beloved team bring home the victory, it was indeed worth the trip.
The Lombardi Trophy is coming back home where it belongs ... thanks guys!!!!
                                                                                                                    Thanks to Melonee for in-stadium pictures.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Not long ago, I was listening to the radio on my way to work and answered a few trivia questions correctly -- my prize for this? Tickets to see Gallagher. I showed up when they told me to pick up the tickets ... Now what they didn't tell me is that I was showing up 2 hours prior to the show. OK, so what is a person to do for 2 whole hours? Well, we had our choice of seats, since we were the second ones in. Now choosing the perfect seat at a Gallagher show is takes a bit of planning actually... You have to decide whether you want to be close enough to wear the "props" out because it gets messy for any of you who don't know what a Gallagher show consists of - his "Sledge-O-Matic". The hostess said the first 10 rows were the ones to sit in if you wanted to go home with souvenier mess on you. OK, so row 11 was the row for us... close enough to see without wearing it home.
Next, once that we decided on the seating ... what to do with the time until the show began. Luckily we ran into a couple of young guys who were fans since they were kids. We compared stories, reminisced about previous TV specials we had seen Gallagher do, wondered how it would be in person. We pondered on his age (he is 64 for those of you wondering), and discussed how much longer he could swing that big mallet so to smash that watermelon he is so well known for.
Well, we were feeling especially helpful, and wanted to help him keep his career going even after his shoulders sustained a potential career-ending rotator cuff injury, so we came up with a spin off of his original trademark mallet smashing show.
For example, instead of a big heavy mallet, he could use a little one if he was smashing little things like ketchup packets or individual creamers... He could call his his show Gallagher's Travels, he could be the giant smashing little things. If he wanted to get really warped, he could smash the Lilliputians by smashing tiny action figures too. Ok, maybe that is going too far, but since when has Gallagher ever been PC??
So after we had his future career figured out, we still had about an hour and 15 min left before the show started. What to do, what to do??? About then is when Gallagher came out among the audience members for a meet and greet before the show for pictures and autographs.
Which was cool, but I thought he was going to kill me or just take my phone and throw it across the room - no one could get it to work to get a picture of me with him! Everytime we posed, I got the "I don't know what happened to it"  I got the shirt signed first time (at least the marker worked!!!)
I got a shot of missing the shot for the third time... yep, that's right -- Gallagher nowhere in the picture.
We (or should I say "I") kept trying -- everyone around me pretended not to know me just in case security kicked me out for stalking Gallagher. But finally got the picture - yay!!
He was a good sport about it. His show was a hoot.... and yes, he is just as un-PC as ever. I think if the show-goers didn't know what to expect, he could manage to offend everyone in the audience -- he didn't hold back on any gender, race, political view, or any other group you could think of.
I remember his shows on TV when I was a kid, it would have been cool to see his trampolene that looks like a couch or his adult sized Big Wheel. But since in was at a tiny venue, can't have everything. What I did walk away with was sore sides and jaws from laughing so hard, and good memories. If you have a chance to see him, get there (But a word of advice, even though they say it's a family show, I would leave the kids behind, there were a few jokes he threw in that were not for the kiddies... just sayin')